Potty Training Tips: The Dos and Don’ts of Potty Training

Potty training your toddler can be a daunting (and messy) task. We’re here to flush away your fears about potty training by sharing some important dos and don’ts and other potty training tips to keep in mind as you help your toddler ditch the diapers.

Do: Time It Right

A recent study suggests that the best potty training age for children is between 27 and 32 months. This ideal range ensures your baby’s brain is developed enough to understand the concept of potty training, but early enough that you won’t face too much resistance. Potty training during big transitions, like the arrival of a new sibling, can make things difficult. Wait for a time where you can dedicate a few consecutive days to begin the potty training process with your toddler which will increase the likelihood of success.

Don’t: Let An Accident Ruin Your Day

Know that toddler potty training can take time. It can take three to 12 months from the start of potty training until your child is fully independent when it comes to using the toilet. If your little one has an accident, especially if it’s in public, try not to get mad or embarrass them. Encourage him or her with phrases like, “Don’t worry, you’ll get it next time,” and be sure to carry an extra change of clothes (just in case).

Do: Know The Signs

Don’t be surprised if your toddler is the one to tell you that he or she is ready for toilet training. Maybe you won’t hear the words, but in his or her own way, your little one will let you know that it’s time. Whether it’s by barging in on you in the bathroom or talking about cool Avengers underwear, look for signs of interest before you start potty training.

Don’t: Limit Yourself To One Method

There’s no “one-size-fits-all” solution on how to potty train a toddler. And remember that what worked for your first child might not work for the second or third. Consider all your options and don’t be afraid to try something new if your first choice isn’t working out. Be patient and know that your baby won’t still be in diapers when he or she is 13.

Do: Prep Ahead

Before you start potty training, read books about using the potty and get him or her familiar with the concept of the toilet and how it’s used. When you and your child are ready, buy the supplies and begin training.

Don’t: Get Negative

Accidents will happen, so prepare for and expect them. Avoid negative language because it will have adverse effects on your little one and the goal you’re both working towards. Your child will sense your frustration and interpret that feedback as a failure. Patience is key when it comes to potty training.

Do: Use Rewards

You may need to call in reinforcements from your chocolatey friends once in a while, but praise, hugs and kisses are the best rewards. Every time your little one tells you that he or she has to use the potty and makes it, praise them. Every time he or she uses the potty, praise them. Every time he or she stays dry for a given period of time, praise them. Positive reinforcement goes a long way.

Remember that ditching diapers won’t be easy, and that it really is a form of training. It’s important to be patient and teach your child the benefits of independent toilet use. So, when you see signs that your toddler is ready, keep these best potty training dos and don’ts in mind as you help him or her achieve a big milestone of toddlerhood.

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